Top Keyword Research Tools to use — Especially for the freelancers


As many freelancers are out here, I would like to share my research that might eventually help you to land at the right keyword research tool.

When a freelancer or a marketing freak enters into keyword research, either they use their previous researches or depend on the tool. Simply depending on the tool also does not works out well. So, a little research is always good to consider.

Without occupying your time, I am listing out the top keyword research tools that are quite useful for me.

Google ( Yes, it is a handy keyword research tool for FREEE)

Keywords Everywhere (Start using it for free, you will never regret!)

Keyword Surfer ( Again a FREE tool in the list) ( Best adding to the rest)

Yes, the list is over!! Try it on your own and make your keyword research easier than ever!

